More on Solitude – Psychology Today

Several articles with a positive view of solitude, two from Psychology Today: ” The Benefits of Solitude,” “Loneliness is Failed Solitude,” and one from the Washington Post: “How to Be Alone with Your Thoughts.”

URLs: “The Benefits of Solitude”; “Loneliness ….”; “How to Be Alone …”

Aging deer seek solitude – scientific report

Treehugger reports an interesting note from University of Oxford titled “Deer Become Less Social as They Grow Older.”

“As people age, their social circles may grow smaller. When time is limited, you may choose to spend it with only those you really like.

The same holds true for red deer, a new study finds.1

Researchers from the University of Oxford and the University of Edinburgh studied deer interactions to help understand what happens with age—even with humans. They found wild red deer become less sociable with age. Their companion network shrinks as they get older and they spend less time with others.

“Building a general understanding of how individuals change their social behavior as they age is useful for research across many different species, including humans,” study senior author Josh Firth, of the department of biology at Oxford University, tells Treehugger. …”

The conclusions of the report will resonate with older human readers!


Psychology Today: “Embracing Being Alone”

Psychology Today offers a piece titled “How to Embrace, Not Fear, Being Alone.”

From the article: “While no study pinpoints social media as a cause of depression and feelings of isolation—in fact, social media can be a tool for combatting loneliness—it, along with texting, television, and video gaming, can distract us from embracing solitude.”


“How to be Alone” by Pádraig Ó Tuama

On Being features the poem/film “How to Be Alone” by the Irish-born poet Pádraig Ó Tuama. A small short piece reflecting on the topic of self and world.

“How to Be Alone” by Pádraig Ó Tuama, A Poetry Film by Leo G Franchi.
More information on the Youtube page, including links to On Being.

Aloneness – PsychologyToday

Three recent essays in Psychology Today constructively addess the subject of aloneness:

1, Choosing to Spend Time Alone;
2. Why Being (Alone) in Nature Is Good for You;
3. How Aloneness Can Lessen Loneliness.