Pedro Luca, Argentine cave hermit

Argentine media source Contexto reports on a Tucuman area cave hermit with the article title: “I want to die in this cave.” It is the cave in which Pedro Luca has resided for sixty years, completely isolated from civilization, and without electricity, running water, telephone, or other electronic device.

Notes the article: “Outside the maelstrom of the city, [Pedro] affirms that he lives ‘fifty thousand times calmer than anywhere else’ and lives with hundreds of animals that, according to him, are his faithful friends. ‘I want to die in this cave, and when I leave, they will realize that I am no longer here because they will not see me anymore,'”



Last Amazonian tribal member’s solitude

A Global Herald‘s “World” report picks up an ABC News (Australia) item. From ABC: “The Man of the Hole’ dies in Brazil after decades of solitude away from civilization. The last known member of an indigenous tribe living in the western Brazilian Amazon has died. The man spent decades living alone after the rest of his people were killed in what some have described as a genocide. Professor Felipe Milanez from the Federal University of Bahia tells The World he died in a much more dignified way than other tribe members. Includes video.


Colombia priest-hermit dies

The publication El Tiemp de Colombia reports the death of a hermit, the Polish-born priest Ignatius Jarosz. Fr. Jarosz was consecrated a priest in 1959 at the age of twenty-five. He became a Redemptorist Order priest twenty-five years later, leaving Poland for Czechoslovakia, then Brazil,Argentina, andColombia. He lived as a hermit in the Dagua Mountains of Colombia, on the Pacific side, halfway betweenthecitiesof Cali and Buenaventura. Althouigh known as an afable person among many religious who knew him, Fr. Jarosz never ventured beyond his residence in the mountains.


Nicaragua hermit-sculptor

The United States Agency for Global Media offers a hermit story on its Latin America pages. Headlined: “The hermit who sculpts stones from the moluntains of Nicaragua.” The hermit, Alberto Gutiérrez, is nearly eighty years of age, and lives alone in the southwest of the country on an isolated farm. He has sculpted more than a thousand stone pieces scatttered about his grounds.