French hermit: Christian Feraults presents an interview titled: ” L’ancien haut fonctionnaire a vécu une année en ermite dans les bois.” English translation follows: “The former senior official spent a year as a hermit in the woods.” Byline: “In 2014, Christian Ferault, then aged 70 and living in Lignières-Orgères, lived 366 days alone in a forest. Ten years later, he recounts this unique experience.”

The beginning of the article: “He was cut off from the world for a year. In 2014, Christian Ferault , then aged 70, lived 366 dys a a hermit in the woods . A unique project, imagined in a quest for “freedom” and “solitude”, to “better discover the nature” that he loves so much.
The former senior civil servant, now a resident and municipal councillor of Ligniers-Orgeres (Mayenne), between Pré-en-Pail and Carrouges, recounts this extraordinary experience: preparation, how the days went, doubts… He also wrote a book, Ermite en forêt mayennaise , to share this unique ordeal.”