Mauro Morandi – update

INews of the UK includes this update on Mauro Morandi, recently evicted from his island eremitism. Article title: ‘People can be overwhelming’: Hermit’s misery after he was kicked off Italian paradise isle”. Article byline: “Mauro Morandi, 84, says he misses the silence after 33 years as the sole occupant of an island off Sardinia.” First lines of the article:

“For 33 years, Mauro Morandi lived the life of a hermit on the Italian paradise island of Budelli, off the north coast of Sardinia popular for its pink coral beach.

“As the island’s caretaker, he lived alone in a ramshackle hut in the company of birds, and found it blissful. Three years ago, the marine park authorities of La Maddalena archipelago kicked him off the isle, with plans to build a museum.

“Morandi crashed back down to earth. He went from a life of freedom on the sand, surrounded by nature and the sea breeze, to sleeping in a small apartment on the nearby island of La Maddalena, a tourist hotspot with 15,000 residents.”

Check the category “Italy” for more entries on Morandi.