David Lidstone, New Hampshire hermit

Multiple media sources report on a New Hampshire hermit living in a cabin in the woods. He has been forced to leave his dwelling and is jailed for violating zoning regulations. He represents a dilemma of the modern hermit: all nature and land is “owned” and not accessible legally for squatting or living, however isolated or undeveloped. On the day he appeared in court, the cabin burned down mysteriously, which supported the authorities’ goal of leaving David Lidstone without any resources. Initially, hermit Dave Lidstone indicated that he would not return to the hermit life. But subsequently, well-wishers have donated money, clothes, vacant properties, and food to him while he contemplates his future. The owner of the property holds over 800 acres in properties and has been seeking to evic t Lidstone for some years.

Coverage oof this story will continue.

URLs: Associated Press: https://bangordailynews.com/2021/08/04/news/new-england/after-decades-in-woods-new-hampshire-hermit-forced-from-his-cabin/ ; update: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2021/aug/11/river-dave-81-says-he-wont-return-to-hermit-lifestyle-after-cabin-burns-down-video; Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9871885/Hermit-River-Dave-says-hes-happier-billionaires-release-jail.html; https://www.vnews.com/River-Dave-amid-remains-of-cabin-41971151