Excommunicated hermits – Scotland

In an item titled “Excommunicated Hermits — and Their Cats — Finally Find Peace,” Religious News Service reports on three Scottish hermits who have been excommunicated by the Catholic Church for their outspoken attacks on the pope and the practices of the contemporary church. The hermits maintain traditionalist views. “We have broken from a false pope, a false magisterium, at the moment, and a false Curia and false bishops and cardinals,” Stephen De Kerdrel told Religion News Service.

The other hermits are Damon Kelly and Sister Colette Roberts. De Kerdrel and Kelly were both Capuchin monks before leaving their order over twenty years ago. Colette Roberts was formerly a medical professional.

URL: https://religionnews.com/2020/02/07/excommunicated-hermits-and-their-cats-finally-find-peace/