Darren Rogers: “busy” Canadian hermit

The National Post of Toronto describes Darren Rogers, “the recluse of Cockburn Island.” Rogers has resided on the island for fourteen years. The island is a summer resort with up to two-hundred vacationers, but with the end of summer, he is left alone. “As island caretaker, Rogers looks after road maintenance, building repairs, safety equipment, tending to the needs of the summer residents — ‘it’s all rolled into one job,’ he says. His years working as a farm hand on various dairy farms in Ontario and operating heavy equipment have prepared him for the physical labour. But his work experience wasn’t the only thing that got him the job. ‘The biggest thing here is you have to be willing to live out here,’ he said. ‘It’s not a five-day-a-week job, it’s 24/7.'”

URL: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/never-been-a-fan-of-crowds-meet-darren-rogers-the-recluse-of-cockburn-island