Medieval Mystic Women

The Web site for a Canadian television series entitled Mystic Women of the Middle Ages, produced at McMaster University, features a “typical” young woman named Chrstine and her life and days in fifteenth century France. The live video, animation, and audio, are objectively done and informative. A segment entitled “The Anchorite” or “Anchoress” is included. The Web site for the series is The section called Christine’s Home Page is located at To go directly to the Anchoress page, the Web address is:

Order of Anchorites

This private (i.e., non-canonical) Catholic order of solitaries (which includes Eastern and Western rite) offers a reflective Web site with representative passages on the eremitic life. The site is at the free host, Tripod, but don’t let the pop-up ads deter a pleasant visit. The site was called to our attention by the Webmaster, and we shall pursue it in more detail due to its apparent spread throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas. The graphics, original to the Order, are especially interesting. The Web site is: (Corrected entry on June 12.)
NOTE: The site has closed. We have no further information about it.

Pelicans in the Wilderness

An exhibition of paintings with hermits and solitaries as its theme was presented April 16 to June 2, 2002, by the Holburne Museum of Art in Bath, England. The exhibition coincided with publication of Isabel Colegate’s non-fiction book, Pelican in the Wilderness: Hermits and Solitaries, published by HarperCollins in the UK and Counterpoint Press in the USA. The Web site is:

Raven’s Bread

Looking for a newsletter with a predominantly Catholic approach to eremiticism? Raven’s Bread is edited by Paul and Karen Fredette. Karen Fredette was formerly a Poor Clare nun and author Karen Karper, who published a narrative of her six years as an Appalachian hermit in Where God Begins to Be: A Woman’s Journey into Solitude, published by Eerdman’s, 1994. Raven’s Bread is $8 for four annual issues. The Website is: