Viktor, Siberian hermit

Siberian hermit Viktor

Reuters features a photographer’s blog entry by Ilya Namushin highlighting Viktor, a Siberian hermit living near the Yenisai River. Though affable, Viktor revealed few personal details about his motive and past except to indicate that he once was a bargeman.

Viktor is 57 and lives alone in a small hut that he made himself. He doesn’t only live there over the summer, but during the harsh Siberian winter too. He told me that he feels weak in the winter because the forest doesn’t give him energy then; he says the forest is resting. Therefore, Viktor rests too during the winter. He eats fish, mushrooms, and berries that he saves up during the warm season. If he’s ill, he treats himself with wild medicinal grasses, which he collects in the woods.

Despite being a hermit, Viktor is by no means unsociable. He does not mind kind visitors, and local fishermen and tourists come to see him every once in a while. He also crosses the wide Yenisei River from time to time to sell fish and buy essentials, like flour, salt, matches, and gasoline for his boat’s motor.

On the western bank of the Yenisei River there is a road and people come and go. On the eastern bank, where Viktor lives, there is nothing. No signs of civilization: no roads, no electricity lines, no buildings. Only steep, rocky banks and untouched forest.

Includes several photographs.


Grindstaff, Tennessee hermit

A local Tennessee media source, the Johnson City Press, offers an article about Nick Grindstaff, a famous local hermit who lived near the Appalachian Trail, and whose grave site will receive a new gravestone due to the efforts of local residents. The article describes the hermit, his life, motives, and woes.

From the article:

The epitaph on Grindstaff’s tombstone has a lot to do with preserving his memory. It reads that the hermit “lived alone, suffered alone, died alone.” It is carved in granite along with the name “Uncle Nick Grindstaff” and giving his birth as Dec. 26, 1851 and death on July 22, 1923. The stone is encased in a chimney-like structure made of mountain stones standing more than 6 feet tall. A pamphlet written about Grindstaff by his friends Asa Shoun and R.B. Wilson reports that the gravestone was purchased shortly after Grindstaff’s death. They paid $208.07 for the stone to honor their friend.


Rachel Denton, UK hermit

Rachel Denton, UK hermit

A BBC “Religion and Ethics” item updates the hermit life of Rachel Denton, first mentioned in this blog in a Guardian article from 2009. Rachel Denton lives in Lincolnshire, UK. “A teacher for 15 years, culminating in a deputy headship in Cambridgeshire, Rachel gave it all up 12 years ago for a life of contemplative silence as a Roman Catholic hermit.” She is a canonical hermit in the diocese of Nottingham. The article highlights her life and interests, including her use of social media.

She has three rules for her life as a hermit.

One is to live simply in solitude and silence, staying and returning there in so far as duties permit.

The second is to earn a sufficient living, trying to maintain that solitude and silence. And the third is to pray every day.

Much of her work and contact with family and friends can be carried out online.

While practical reasons take her out and about, normally at least once a week, she can also go for days without speaking and says solitude gives her energy and happiness.


Georgian stylite Fr. Maxime

Father Maxime

A Daily Mail article for Sept. 5, 2013 summarizes the efforts of Father Maxime to become a stylite atop a 100-foot rock outcrop in the Republic of  Georgia, the first since the end of Turkish occupation 600 years ago.  (This article updates two previous entries on this blog:

Article headline and byline:

“Getting closer to God: Meet the monk who lives a life of virtual solitude on top of a 131ft pillar and has to have food winched up to him by his followers”

  • Maxime, a 59-year-old monk, lives on top of Katshki Pillar in Georgia
  • He has to scale a 131ft ladder if he wants to come down
  • Followers winch supplies up to him because he only leaves the pillar twice a week
  • Maxime decided to make a change in his life after a stint in prison

Spectacular photos and a link to the trailer of a documentary film, “Upon This Rock.”


Siberian wilderness hermit

The Itar-Tass news agency reports on discovery of a “wild child” (now 20 years old) identified in Siberia. The Sept. 2013 article is titled: “Hermit found in Altai Krai, Siberia: 20-year-old lived all his life in forest.” The hut image below is presumably one of the dwellings mentioned in the article. The text of the article is printed below.

Siberian hermit hut

Citizens of a resort town Belokurikha found a young man living in the forest who apparently lived there from his birth and never had contact with the outside world, said the city’s Prosecutor Roman Fomin

The prosecution have looked into the citizens’ report. It was determined that the young man, whose name has not been made public, “was born in 1993 without obstetric care near Kaytanak village located in Ust-Koksinsk region of Altai Republic. He was not educated, he was no social skills or any idea of the world outside of the forest,” the prosecutor explained.

Young man’s parents are also hermits. Since 1997 they have moved into a mud hut located in the forest approximately three kilometers from Ulyanovsk village of Altai Krai. In spring of 2013 they have moved, leaving their son fend for himself.

Fomin emphasized that the young hermit “has no official papers proving his birth; this prevents him from receiving identification documents in order to benefiting from rights and support guaranteed by the government.”

The prosecution has contacted the court in order to establish his birth; social protection services were contacted as well.