Michigan recluse “Dapper Dan”

This newspaper story is about a recluse in Michigan who fits the stereotype of quirky eccentric in the American style. “Dapper Dan” lives in a trailer outside of town on 40 plus acres, retired on Alaska oil field income, consumes a lot of processed food, and is 73. His life may not be so different than the pattern of solitary seniors thoughout the modern U.S.
URL: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=

Mobile Hermitage

The Mobile Hermitage is a small house designed and constructed for Greg Johnson, director of Resources for Life, who resides in it in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. The mobile hermitage is an innovative idea for communities, homeowners adding guest quarters — and simple-living solitaries.The dwelling is easily portable, not difficult to construct, and accommodates one or two adults. Details about construction, electricity, heating, kitchen, technology and other features are described on the Resources for Life website, along with pictures.
URL: http://www.resourcesforlife.com/groups/mobilehermitage/.
Brought to our attention by a friend of Hermitary.