The contents of the book, Jeanne-Marguerite de Montmorency by Joseph Sigward, in the original French, are offered on this Web site. Jeanne-Marguerite de Montmorency (1646-1700), niece of the Prince of Condé, was destined for the life of King Louis XIV’s court, but she ran away, still a girl, giving up her family, her means of sustenance, her possessions, all to follow an eremitical life. Eventually she settled in a hermitage, where the passion of Jesus became the focus of her mysticism. The author drew on the subject’s correspondence with her spiritual director. The Web site is: Brought to our attention by a U.S. friend of Hermitary.
Protestant hermit
A French-language article on Daniel Bourguet, a hermit in the Protestant tradition, prior of the Fraternité des Veilleurs (Fraternity of the Watchers). The article can be found at: Index=1529. Thanks to a U.S. friend of Hermitary for bringing the page to our attention. NOTE: The site server may not allow a direct use of the URL. Use, then use the Archives and search Bourguet.