The Hermit’s Hut: a Study in Asceticism and Architecture by Kazi Khaleed Ashraf is a 2002 dissertation from the University of Pennsylvania. A preview is available on the Web; the dissertation itself can be purchased. The first sentence of the abstract begins: “The ascetic’s dwelling forms a distinctive genre among various meditations on the elemental hut …” The focus is India. URL:
Le Recours aux forêts
The French-language web site Le Recours aux forêts offers articles on the philosophy of forests, the art of making a forest cabin (i.e., hermit hut), about tree houses and wilderness shelters, vagabonding, Thoreau, Ernest Junger and much more. URL: Thanks to a friend of Hermitary for pointing out this interesting site.
Reminiscing about hermits
In a short Independent (UK) article in the PsychoGeography series, entitled “When Hermits Walked the Earth,” author Will Self reminisces about hermits he has known and speculates on how modern life both created and eliminated hermits. URL: The complete article requires a paid subscription.
Web “Groups”
Discussion groups have long been on the Internet, but Yahoo! Groups are friendlier for users and anyone can create or join them. Groups are the equivalent of e-mail sent to all members of the group. Of potential interest are groups found using the keyword “hermit” such as: Powys, Catholic Hermits, and Hermits Parlor. At the same time, groups can be erratic, lie dormant (without messages) for a long time, and may end up being time consuming. Another drawback is that a “public” group will leave messages open to anyone on the Web.
Guidebook on Eremitic Life
The Catholic Archdiocese of La Cross (Wisconsin, USA) has translated into English the statutes governing hermits in France promulgated by the Canonical Committee of Religious under the Bishops of France. The English translation dates from 1998 and is entitled Guidebook on Eremetic Life. Web site is: