RT , Siberian Times on Agafia

Hermitary readers will be familiar with Agafia Lykov, the Siberian hermit and Old Believer. (Find more on Agafia in this blog, photos in Features, video in Films, and a review of the book Lost in the Taiga.)

RT visited Agafia and prepared a summary “Agafia’s Story: Old hermit lives alone deep in Siberian forest, seeks help” in preparation for premiering a documentary film.

URL: http://rt.com/news/188532-russia-agafia-siberian-forest/

An additional item with an emphasis on the difficult straits of Agafia expected in the upcoming winter months is presented by <i>Siberian Times</i> as “Bear threatens the loneliest woman in Russia who begs for a companion to join in hermit lifestyle.”

URL: http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/bear-threatens-the-loneliest-woman-in-russia-who-begs-for-a-companion-to-join-in-her-hermit-lifestyle/