Reviews - Books & Articles
Hermits | Hermit dwellings
| Solitude | Silence | Simplicity
Hermits: the Insights of
Solitude (book) by Peter France.
A Pelican in the
Wilderness: Hermits and Solitaries (book) by Isabel Colegate.
of Renunciation East and West (article) by Erling Skorpen.
Happiness as Tranquility (article) by Gisela Striker.
Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity (article) by Peter
of Marginality from Early Pythagoreans to Late Antique Monks (article)
by J. N. Bremmer.
Hermits, Saints, and Snakes: the Archaeology of the Early Ethiopian Monastery in Wider Context (article) by Niall Finneran.
Fact and Exegetical Fiction in the Carolingian Vita S.
Sualonis (article) by Lynda Coon.
The Awesome
Hermit: The Symbolic Significance of the Hermit as a Possible Research
Perspective (article) by John Howe.
Anthropology of William of St. Thierry (article) by John Conley.
The Hermits and Anchorites
of England (book) by Rotha Mary Clay, and The English Mediaeval Recluse
(book) by Francis D. S. Darwin.
Lives of the
Anchoresses: The Rise of Urban Recluses in Medieval Europe (book) by
Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker.
Upper Class
Asceticism: Social Origins of Ascetic Movements and Medieval Saints
(article) by Rodney Stark.
Hermits and Recluses in
English Society, 950-1200 (book) by
Tom Licence.
Anchorites and Their
Patrons in Medieval England (book) by Ann K. Warren.
The Hermit in English
Literature from the Beginnings to 1660 (book) by Charles P. Weaver.
and the Neoclassicists (article) by Raymond D. Havens.
The Hermit and the Saint [folk tale genre] (article) by Gordon Hall Gerould.
The Hermit
in Spanish Drama before Lope de Vega (article) by Gabriel H. Lovett.
The Forgotten Desert
Mothers: Sayings, Lives, and Stories of Early Christian Women (book) by
Laura Swan.
Harlots of the Desert: A
Study of Repentance in Early Monastic Sources (book) by Benedicta Ward.
The Perfection of
Solitude: Hermits and Monks in the Crusader States (book) by Andrew
A Hermit's
Cookbook: Monks, Food and Fasting in the Middle Ages (book) by Andrew
The American Hermit and the British Castaway (article) by Coby Dowdell.
and Zimmermann (article) by Grant Loomis
The Soliloquy of a
Hermit (book) by Theodore Francis Powys
The Language of Silence:
the Changing Face of Monastic Solitude (book) by Peter-Damian Belisle.
An Infinity of Little
Hours: Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World's
Most Austere Monastic Order (book) by Nancy Klein Maguire.
Maronite Eremitical Tradition: A Contemporary Revival (article) by G.
Lost in the Taiga (book) by
Vassily Peskov.
Maria of Olonets (book)
by Bishop Nikodim of Belgorod
Flannery O'Connor,
Hermit Novelist (book) by Richard Giannone.
A Hermit Disclosed (book) by
Raleigh Trevelyan.
The Way of the Hermit: 40 Years in Wilderness (book) by Ken Smith
The Hermit of Meredith Hill (book) by Agnes N. Pickering.
Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China (book) selected and translated by David Hinton.
Road to Heaven: Encounters with Chinese Hermits (book) by Bill Porter.
Where the World Does Not Follow: Buddhist China in Picture and Poem (book) translations of T'ang
poems by Chinese hermits by Mike O'Connor; photos by Steven R. Johnson.
The Changing Concept of the Recluse in Chinese Literature (article) by Li
Nung-chia School of the Tillers and the Origins of Peasant Utopianism
in China (article) by A. C. Graham
Four Huts: Asian
Writings on the Simple Life (book) translations of Po-Chu'i, Yoshishige
no Yasutane, Kamo no Chomei, and Basho by Burton Watson, illustrated by
Stephen Addiss.
and Poetry: Reconsidering Kamo no Chomei's Hojoki
and Hosshinshu (article) by Tamamura Kyo
Holy Man's Hut as a Symbol of Stability in Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage
(article) by Mark MacWilliams
The Aesthetics of
Discontent: Politics and Reclusion in Medieval Japanese Literature
(book) by Michele Marra
The Politics of Reclusion:
Painting and Power in Momoyama Japan (book) by Kendall H. Brown
the Man and the Plant (article) by Donald H. Shively
The Hermits of
Rishikesh (book) by Augusthy Keemattam.
Sadhus: India's Mystic
Holy Men (book) by Dorf Hartsuiker. Photographic essay.
The Yogins of Ladakh: A
Pilgrimage Among the Hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas (book) by John
Crook and James Low.
Cave in the Snow:
Tenzin Palmo's Quest for Enlightenment (book) by Vicki Mackenzie.
Hermit dwellings
The Hermit's Hut: Architecture and Asceticism in India (book) by Kazi K. Ashraf
On Adam's House in Paradise: The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History (book) by Joseph Rykwer
The Geography of the Monastic Cell in Early Egyptian Monastic Literature (article) by Darlene L. Brooks Hedstrom
A Hut of One's Own: Life Outside the Circle of Architecture (book) by Ann Cline
The Hermit in the Garden (book), by Gordon Campbell
Heidegger's Hut (book) by Adam Sharr.
The Wabi-sabi House: The Japanese Art of Imperfect Beauty (book) by Robyn Griggs Lawrence
A Place of One's Own: the Education of an Amateur Builder (book) by Michael Pollan
The Poetics of Space (book) by Gaston Bachelard
The Natural House (book) by Frank Lloyd Wright
Solitude - topical reviews
Solitude: The Science and Power of Alone Time, by Netta Weinstein,
Heather Hanson, and Thuy-vy T. Nguyen.
Three Books: 1. Loneliness: Human Nature and
the Need for Social Connection, by John T. Cacioppo & William
2. The Call of Solitude: Alonetime in a World of Attachment, by Esther
Schaler Buchholz
3. Migrations to Solitude, by Sue Halpern
Women & Solitude
The Center of the Web: Woman and
Solitude, edited by Delese Wear
In Praise of Retreat, by Kirsteen MacLeod
A Book of Silence, by Sara Maitland
Journal of a Solitude, by May Sarton
Fifty Days of Solitude, by Doris Grumbach
Listening Below the Noise, by Anne D. LeClaire
The Solitary Summer, by Elizabeth von Arnim
Drinking the Rain, by Alix Kates Shulman
Epicurean Simplicity, by Stephanie Mills
Woodswoman, by Anne LaBastille
And I Shall Have Some Peace There, by Margaret Roach
The Stations of Still Creek, by Barbara J. Scot
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard
Where God Begins to Be, by Karen Karper
Wind in the Sand: the Hidden Life of an Anchoress, by Pinions
The Wisdom of Solitude: a Zen Retreat in the Woods, by Jane Dobisz
Forty Days: Diary of a Traditional Solitary Sufi Retreat, by Michaela
Alone in the Temple: Solitude and Women poets (article) by Leslie
Men & Solitude
Deep Country: Five Years in the Welsh Hills, by Neil Ansell
Desolation Angels, by Jack Kerouac
Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness, by Edward Abbey
Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes - A Year Alone in the Patagonia
Wilderness, by Robert Kull
A Hermit in the Himalayas, by Paul Brunton
Alone, by Richard E. Byrd
Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer
The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit, by Michael Finkel
The Point of Vanishing and The Stars in Our Pockets, by Norman Axelrod.
Running to the Mountain: a Journey of Faith and Change, by Jon Katz
Stillness: Daily Gifts of Solitude, by Richard Mahler
Solitude in Literary Fiction and Poetry
The Hermit (L'Solitaire), by
Eugene Ionesco
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse
Wandering, by Hermann
Notes From the Underground,
by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Stranger, by Albert Camus
Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison
Solitude in the fiction of Joseph
Solitude in the fiction of
Herman Melville
Solitude and Transcendence in
John Cowper Powys by Janina Nordius
Savage Solitude, by Máighréad Medbh
The Razor's Edge, by W. Somerset Maugham
Simplicity in theory
Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way
of Life That is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich, by Duane Elgin.
Graceful Simplicity: Toward a
Philosophy and Politics of Simple Living, by Jerome M. Segal.
Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Revolutionizing the Means of
Consumption, by George Ritzer
Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, by E. F.
Versions of simplicity
The Good Life: Living the Good
Life and Continuing the Good Life, by Scott and Helen Nearing
Your Money or Your Life, by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin
The Holy Way: Practices for a Simple Life, by Paula Huston
A Quaker Book of Wisdom: Lessons in Simplicity, Service &
Common Sense, by Robert Lawrence Smith
Moneylessness: Radical Simplicity today
Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and
Works in Her Own Words:
The Moneyless Man: A Year of
Freeconomic Living, by Mark Boyle
The Man Who Quit Money, by Mark
Sundeen [about Daniel Suelo]