“Hermit’s Thatch” first appeared in late 2002 using MovableType 2.63. I never upgraded, and only tinkered modestly with the design. I know a few things but I am not a technical person.
MovableType served well for some five years nearly, but had recently shown signs of faltering. It was an old, free, cgi-based program with three modest templates (index, archive, and stylesheet), and I wasn’t sure if I could ever get another copy. Recently the postings would not build. I had to rebuild the index to get the recent posting to show, and that was a little scary. It worked, but what next? What if a file corrupted? I am not a programmer. There was no place to get another copy of the program, and upgrading to the new version was seeming more and more problematic with all of the alternatives out there. I did not want to spend money on the at-cost MovableType.
So here is “Hermit’s Thatch” in the WordPress incarnation. I lost some minor things, like italics on book titles, and perhaps other minor details I have not pursued. Graphics ended up in the same folder rather than a new one, which is alright. I appreciate the fine administrative capabilities of the program. And I appreciate the theme, which is compatible with the simplicity that the web site and this journal (blog) want to project.