
It has been a week now since a harrowing fire on and around the property devastated 30 acres of woodland. A lightning strike at about 4 in the afternoon was the cause. The house and most immediate environs was spared (we are on about 3 acres) but about half of the property, all woodland of pine and native trees, a beautiful slough, and thick wilderness habitat, were consumed. To make matters worse, firefighters these days assume that houses are the only property to save, ignoring the fact that beautiful woodland is not only owned by somebody and therefore also property, but it is not just so much expendable thatch. Instead it was allowed to burn. At least there is a 30 foot buffer to the back of the property and the other two sides were spared, but the horizon of blackened pine and red-brown needles (as if a grotesque autumnal scene) remains.

I hope to post pictures, when I have a chance. The next entry up is about the bears …