Agafya visited

Agafya at 69 years

Russian photographer and naturalist Igor Shpilenok, with two nature reserve inspectors, visited 69-year old Agafya Lykov recently. The Siberian Times profiles the visit in an August 15 article titled “The woman who time forgot – Remarkable new pictures of the hermit Agafya Lykova.” Includes several Shpilenok photos.

They had spent just 20 hours with this remarkable Siberian woman, before leaving her once again to the solitude into which she was born.

“This short time provided fodder for many reflections on the distant and recent past, the meaning of life, the power of the human spirit, faith,” Igor wrote in his blog. “No, I do not feel that Agafia Karpovna’s life is a dead end in the taiga.”

URL:; also in Russian on Shpilenok’s blog.